API endpoints

Note: search requests will yield 20 results at most, refine your query if necessary. Current rate limit: 20/minute.


You can view an image's metadata by accessing /image/DIGEST/json. Here is a sample output: { "banned": false, "board": null, "created_at": 1699456074.878539, "description": "", "digest": "5c618a9d669fe1f926649a1b7eaff8ef34359086d657ca1871c61195466d1398", "digest_4p": "zxMjaupp1lTVPaxLYM9IOw==", "extension": "jpeg", "filename": "test", "folders": [ "fo2fFU41qPfBVpC", ], "frozen": false, "hashes": [ { "digest": "bd817b43bcc0219f", "image": "5c618a9d669fe1f926649a1b7eaff8ef34359086d657ca1871c61195466d1398", "type": 1 } ], "height": 4095, "last_modified": 1699456074.878539, "license": "asd", "location": "asd", "original_date": "2023-11-08", "original_time": "12:12:00", "source": "asd", "tags": [ "test", ], "title": "F9k2A23W8AAbXg9.jpeg", "width": 3123 }

You can search images by sending a GET request to /api/image/search with your keyword as a header with key q. The format is {title1:digest1, ..., titleN:digestN}. Here is a sample output: { "test": "5c618a9d669fe1f926649a1b7eaff8ef34359086d657ca1871c61195466d1398", }


You can view a folder's metadata by accessing /folder/ID/json. Here is a sample output: { "children": [], "created_at": "Wed, 16 Feb 2022 18:33:43 GMT", "description": "test", "id": "fo2fFU41qPfBVpC", "images": [ "5c618a9d669fe1f926649a1b7eaff8ef34359086d657ca1871c61195466d1398", ], "last_modified": "Wed, 16 Feb 2022 18:33:43 GMT", "parent_id": null, "title": "test" }

You can search folders by sending a GET request to /api/folder/search with your keyword as a header with key q. The format is {title1:id1, ..., titleN:idN}. Here is a sample output: { "test": "foinwkFysJXOH3s", }


You can view a tag's metadata by accessing /tag/NAME/json. Here is a sample output: { "images": [ "5c618a9d669fe1f926649a1b7eaff8ef34359086d657ca1871c61195466d1398", ], "name": "test" }

You can search tags by sending a GET request to /api/tag/search with your keyword as a header with key q. The format is [name1, ..., nameN]. Here is a sample output: [ "test" ]